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The only BOM tool built by and for DIYaudiohardware geeks

An interactive bill of materials (BOMs) that intelligently cross-reference with your inventory and shopping list

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Virtual DIY Synth Kits for DIY Guitar Pedals and DIY Eurorack Modules With Simple Tools and Tutorials

BOM Squad is a free inventory and component aggregator designed for DIY audio hardware builders. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools, tutorials, and community insights to streamline your projects.

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How Much Cheaper is Building DIY Synthesizers and Guitar Pedals than Buying Assembled Gear? Data from BOM Squad Has Changed My Mind

How Much Cheaper is Building DIY Synthesizers and Guitar Pedals than Buying Assembled Gear? Data from BOM Squad Has Changed My Mind

I have generally assumed that the financial benefit of DIY was modest. Looking at the data from BOM Squad has made me rethink this assumption. Across a large number of...

An Easy Introduction To Building DIY Eurorack Modules By Nonlinearcircuits (Part 1)

An Easy Introduction To Building DIY Eurorack Modules By Nonlinearcircuits (Part 1)

Founded in 1998 by Perth-based designer Andrew Fitch, the Eurorack brand Nonlinearcircuits grew out of a long-running workshop series hosted by West Australian Modular. While Nonlinearcircuits modules are neither the...

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